Hands Off This Pussy


Hands Off This Pussy

Political poster for cat lovers.


So, the unthinkable happened and Donald Trump was elected to the office of president of the United States! It’s an insult to all minorities and women, whom he has disparaged in so many ways on the campaign trail and during the course of his life. Remember the infamous leaked “Grab them by the pussy” comments? As a woman, I couldn’t stand behind this election and took part in several marches to protest against it. I initially made this sign for myself, but when I posted it to my social media, it got a really positive reaction from my women friends who are also cat lovers. So, I’ve decided to make it available to all cat ladies out there who were also offended by Trump’s misogynistic and sexist comments. For $10, you’ll get a downloadable PDF that can be printed at its original 20×24 size or reduced as you see fit. You can use it, too, to protest against Trump in the streets or simply as a poster to hang on a wall.

Hands Off This Pussy
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